Tuesday 25 October 2011

Exploring the role of the Chorus

Complete exploration of the chorus looking at group dynamics
Show active verbs in three groups.

In my group we decided we wanted to show the modern day new yorkers who were just there at the time of the attack. We opened the piece one by one just walking down the street in our characters, for example I was talking to my child about going to her grandma's. We said these and ending in a line at the front and when the last person finished we all look diagonally up left to show us watching the attack. We then took an action and a couple of words each to perform one at a time go backwards. This shows the contrast from their every day lives to the aftermath of the attack.

Trojan Women Extracts

For our final performance in greek theatre we had to choose an extract of Trojan women to perform. We were not allowed to change the words of the classical text but we were allowed to experiment with practically everything else.

Once we chose which extracts we wanted to perform and who we wanted to perform them with we had to "develop and understand classical roles through research and anaylsis and stanivlaski tehniques".

Stanislavsky quote "Remember for all time that when you begin to study each role you should first gather all the materials that have any bearing on it, and suppliment them with more an more imagination, until you have achieved such a similarity to life that it is easy to believe in what you are doing"
Trained actors in a mododixal way
Physological involvment with actor and character
Realist theatre
Through objective equals the characters overall wants
Unit objective characters want in that moment in time
Obsticales equals things that are preventing them from achieving they're overall want
Emotion memory, using own memory to relate to your character
His theatre creates the issusion of real life
Fourth wall removed
Stanislavisky was a threatee practitioner a director with a theory
Theory was that theatre should reflet reality
Eliminating the gulf between the actor and character
Become the role

Stanislavsky quetioning

Task 1: who am I
Task 2: the magic if
Task3: the given circustances
Task 4: character analysis

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