Monday 24 October 2011

24 th Oct Period 2
To exmamine the role of the chorus and experimant with group dynamics

Recap choral functions:
Narrators / story tellers
Back ground with context
Sang and danced in unison
All men
Wore masks
Represented the audience
Bridged the action on stage and the audience they were the link
Would have directly addressed the adience
They perofrmed on flat circluar space called orchestra
Like to create dabate and make the audience question and think

We all chose a line or a coupl eof lines from the play. We then said our lines chronologically in the style according to the word that was said by the teacher at the start of each of the exercises.

The lines is Chose were :
"we were singing our praises to Artemis, Zeus's daughter, maiden of the mountains"
Choral exercise 1
I thought that this suited the situation of the passage that we all did and because we were all doing it the overall efect was like all the people of troy were crying out in fear.

Choral exercise 2
This created the effect that Greeks could be talking about troy, so it was interesting that by changing it to gossip it effectivly changed which side of the fight was saying it.

Choral exercise 3
It could be said be either party towards to other, however if the Trojans were saying it it would be like they were just being angry about what happened.

Choral exercise 4
This to me seems like it could be a mother retelling the story to her children or something, while keeping the facts the same she doesn't want to make her children sad but she wants them to understand what has happened.

Choral exercise 6
Ball exercise (paw order jesture)
While this was fun most of the meaning was lost from the words because people were more focused on catching the ball. It did create more of a tempo and a rythem though which could be useful if you wanted to do the choral section to music.

Choral exercise 7
Three photo start and finish copying that image to show the universality of war
Israeli vs Palestinian
Bosnia vs Serbia
Callaopse of twin towers nine elleven

Choral exercise 8
Active verbs
Eg. To control
Capture physucalise the words

In my group with Katie, Joe, April & Sarah we were given the stimulus of the terrorist attack of 9/11. We only started to plan what were going to do this lesson and continued the following lesson. We would also use this extract in our chorus performance:
"throats cut, limbs hacked, flesh gashed, hearts pierced, veins opened, heads severed winding pouring gushing through the streets of troy"

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