Monday 20 June 2011

20th June period two

Aim to dwveloep a knowledge and understanding of the plans the Trojan women by euripidies

Summer set up blog fir racheal's
One Trojan wome
One a mid summer biggs dream

Recap 2 units (pink)

Recap summer hw presentation

Actors log
Write up each lesson
Analyse what was learnt
Presentation background info
Rehearsal tehniques
Character research and analysis

Family tree characters and plot
Start play read through


Priam. King of troy
Hecuba * queen of troy
Hector. Eldest son
Paris. Beautiful son
Cassandra *. Daughter priestess to Apollo prophet, sacred virgin
Polyxena. Daughter
Andromache*. Wife of hector
Astyanax *. Son of hector and andomsche
chorus *. Women of troy

Menalaus *. King of Sparta
Agamemnon. Jig of Mycenae
Odysseus. King of ithica
Talthybiuis* Greek messenger
Helen* Wife of menalaus

Proseidon god of sea
Athene. Goddess of war neice of proseidon via Zeus


Prolgue: prosiedon and athene
Episode 1: Cassandra (Agamemnon)
Episode 2: Andomache (Astryanax)
Episode 3: Helen (Menalaus)
Episode 4/ Exodus = exit scene: burial of Astyanax womens exit Hecuba tells women to run into flames to avoid their fates, greeks stop them HEcuba tells the women to deal with ther fates

Epeius, athene, Hera, Poseidon,

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