Wednesday 21 September 2011

21st Sept

To conclude looking at directors challanges and to effectively capture the play using story boards to music

Activity: storyboards to music

1) the Greeks take troy in an overnight raid

Start with celebrations, burst out kill people

2) the men of troy are slaughtered and the women are rounded up for slavery

Women morning over bodies and they are being dragged away

3) Cassandra prophesies her future

Two cassandrasPeople turn their heads away from Cassandra and go along the audience and turn their faces away

4) Hecuba's lament and Andromache's loss

Andromache with baby or a child holding hands looking at mummy, talthibius takes shoulders then let go and child dies. Hecuba's lament should by all the women mourning round her.

5) Helen takes to the stand

Menalaious stands strong in the middle. Helen dances round flirting with audience even getting them out to dance with her. Hecuba stands next to menalaious tells him not to fall the Helen while he is watching Helen and enchanted. Two helenx one kneeling in front of him.

6) the ships leave for Greece

Tuesday 20 September 2011

20th Sept

Classical performance

To have identified and understood the challangeswhat facing dirctors and performers of the trojan women

No. One:
How to show the women running into flames

Portraying the gods to show their immortal state

Balcony on the stage fog machine

How to stage astionax and the body comming back on

Making choral interloodes interesting

Understanding and conveying classical language

Making it assesable to a modern day audience could even change the war not Trojan but aghanistsn. Modern costume not the language

Acting like a person from that eara or the interpretation of Helen victim of whore

Bury astionax

Could stage narrated past events eg. Rape, wooden horse, blood

How to show character statuses eg. Hecuba quenn but she now says that she is equal she takes over as the male figure

How to show Cassandra's visions and communication of dramatic irony that we know she can see these but others think she is crazy

Clarrification of character and pronunciation

How to show the women running into the flames and to stage the burning of troy

Where would you persition the chorus so they are separate to gods and actors. In modern could be people in newyork after two towers.

Presentation of characters and make Helen stand out

How to show that menalaious has been manipulated by Helen at the end

Interpretation of Telthibious the change from being hard to sensitive

Watching A2 performance

Monday 19 September 2011

19th September

Classical notes

To develop knowledge and understanding of the Trojan women as a Greek myth (before, during, after)

In three groups capture as a cartoon strip with captions
Groupe 1: before
Groupe 2: the play
Groupe 3: after

Athena posidon




Astyanax buried

Wednesday 7 September 2011

7th Sept lesson 3

Chloe & becky
Born 480 bc
One of three play writes at the time
He didn't approve ove the audiences superspitions
Pacifist, free thinker and an humanitarian in a time when they were overshadowed by tolerance and violance
He was contaveesial so didn't win competitions
He chose to live most of his life alone with his books in a cave in salami
He was admired for his sypathy especially for women
Shocking that some of his worm characters didn't want children
Focussed on the inner working of characters
He was one oc the most tragic playwrite
Men shock be heresies giving voice to women
Lover a truth and wanted the characters to confront personal issues
Introduction of comman man eg. Anti heroic showing people the reality of their miliatry hero's
Sycoligical dramatist
Famous plays
Alcestis, Medea, Cyclops, Hippolytus,
Harackles children

Taran & Hayley
Greek theatre audiences
Really big only source of entertainment
Dioysis theatre in Athens once held 14,000 for one show
Audience talk at the start a single actor would come on to set the audience tipsy attention
Then comedy performer and a slapstick duet
Audience allowed to interior and throw food if they didn't like it
They would be given treats to keep then entertained

Greek festivals
Lots lots more
July was the first month if their year
Arica historical region of Greece
Greeks history began around 700bc
Men dressed in goats skin cus they were believed to be sexuLly potent
Dionysus was honoured with City Dionysus
Lead by drunken men dressed
Revelry filled
Tribes competed against each other
Men dominate male god festivals
Women dominate female god festivals
Parades, dances
Men and women didn't mix in festivals
Sacrifice anaimals
Some attend out of curiosity, shows contests and many bring goods at all sorts to be sold
Show of some special learning, many works

Tuesday 6 September 2011

6th sept 5

Katie & Sarah
Story of a hero of a hero or heroine making a journey from ignorance to wisdom. Definitions eg hubris ect.
Performed in an amplitheatre
All menvand started from chorol lyrics
God dyinisis
Dressed in goats skin, hunt why tragedy mean goasvsing
Aeschylus added a sexing actor, Sophocles added a third
Performed in may as a festival for dyionisis
Playwrites competed to win and all were performed onte same day
Each prepared three tradgedies and a comedy satyr
Plays would be related but Euripides didn't
A serviving trilogy us the Oresteia of Aeschylus
Theatre of Dionysus held 12,000 people
Choral was sung and resembles modern orchestra
Chorus would havf three parts who danced different wats around the orchestra
Chirps = dancing in a ring
Structure = exposition-rising action-climax- sallingvstory-deposition

Masks made out of cork and that have a set expression. Cone shape mouth for amplification

Monday 5 September 2011

5th September period 3

Aim: to develope knowledge of te genre classical Greek tradgedy and original background and performance conditions (copy down for log book)

Recap key events in eah episode of The Trojan women (prologue - prosideon & AThene) 1- andromici sacrif virgin, 2 -women with the baby, 3- Helena menelaious (trial scene) also blame hecuaba for not killing Paris after being told to do soo by the oracle, 4- exodus scene

Recap assessment criteria for classical theatre performance (booklets)
Log book, Presentation
Rehearsels of polished extract

Recap presentation criteria

Students deliver presentations as others peer assess and make notes for log

Greek amplitheatre Jo, Leanne
Holes in limes stone allowed sound to be aplifide
Place that worships Dionysus
Theatre used as a way of expressing strong emotions
Sacrifice of people over goats
Orchesta was where the acting was
Flat roof was an homage to the gods valley theologian
Koikon was where the audience sat, front row for the priests( throbs or marble
Apart from the main structure most was wooden and mobile at the end of the 5 th century they built perminent scenes and scene = skene
GET DIAGRAM of theatre
Greek an Elizabethan theatres
Circle veie and more involved in production
Both outdoors with natural light
Actors in both interact with audience members due to theatre layout
Differences between Greek and elizebethan
Enclosed with root to be efficient and rliable
Greek theatre minamal
Elezaberhan complete seeting with balconies andboxes these where posh rich people were rarther than ground or mid level like Greek
Elizabethan stage also on level obvious and marked out